Tuesday, June 30, 2020

First transfers...

Our week has had its fair share of ups and downs. We got dropped by a solid person we were teaching (that's mission lingo for they politely turned down our lessons after happily receiving and keeping commitments for a while) but then we had a miracle and an awesome new person set up lessons twice a week!! Then today we found out all five of us Elders are staying in the same group for the next six weeks (which is pretty uncommon). We all love each other so it'll be fun! Anyway that's my week in a nutshell. Oh one more thing-we were driving down the freeway on our way back to the apartment and we saw a missionary with his tag on driving a non- mission car with a girl in the passenger seat. Obviously we turned it into a car chase to figure out what-the-what was going on. We caught up and through the window found out he was just driving home, he got picked up from the airport and was going to be released. He had just finished his mission. It was a funny incident and it was intense while it lasted!

I'll talk to you all next week! Lots of love!!

Elder Henry
*Photos of Elder Henry in front of a beautifully painted wall, a home-grown cherry of which they were able to pick a bunch of, a park and a street sign.
Elder Henry and his siblings used to watch The Wizards of Waverly Place, so he thought it was fun to find this street sign.*

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