Tuesday, May 4, 2021

The Spirit of Revelation!

 Good morning everyone!!

      This week has definitely been an interesting one, but the coolest thing by far that happened was a little personal testament from the Spirit just for me. I'll share that story in a little bit. This week I saw a bunch of flowers and got a bunch of pictures of them so those will be attached! Last Monday, once p-day was over, we took our little Equinox up a mountain and got her caked in mud. But at the top I found a machete-took it home & cleaned it up! I also found a Star Wars chess set that wasn't complete but still super cool!

      Okay so that Spiritual moment.... I was listening to a talk, I don't know who it was or what the WHOLE talk was about, and something the speaker said set off a chain reaction that testified to ME about Christ's atonement and the validity of it. He said something about removing the weight of our burdens and putting them on Christ's back. In my mind I thought that wasn't fair, he already had the burdens of EVERYONE EVER- why put more on? Then I realized something. Throughout our lives we have hard times and good times. When we have low times our capacity to feel Joy increases because when you dig a hole you make a mountain with the dirt you move. Since Christ never made a mistake his mountain is infinite making his hole able to be filled with all the dirt from our trenches and never be filled, which confirms Him being the only one capable of performing the atonement. That was all connected in my mind by the Spirit and I thought I should share! Christ loves you and we can do all things through him. I know this to be true.

      I love you all and hope this helped some of you at least a little. Talk to you soon! 


             Elder Henry. 


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