Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Undeniable signs from our Heavenly Father are everywhere you turn regardless of where you look. The only problem I've found is that I don't look hard enough. Our area presidency reached out to us recently and invited us to find an attribute of Christ that we may be lacking (personally) more than others. I didn't think of one off the top of my head. Using the tools at my disposal I did an activity in Preach My Gospel and found my lowest average trait was faith. Looks like I'm going to be improving my faith until further notice. Not sure that's too much of a problem seeing as I am away from everything I know and love to serve a mission (seems pretty faithful). But boy was I wrong. As I read and study and pray more and more about faith I learn more as well. I have found that Heavenly Father puts things into place. For example, "anti" is a big part of the culture in Northern Idaho and Eastern Washington. This means a lot of people are ready and able to bash you with every detail of your religion that they think is wrong. Too bad I don't tend to back down when it comes to verbal and logical conversations. Just this week, I ran into 4 separate occasions where someone has tried to shoot down my beliefs through their personal experiences and doubts that the adversary planted in their heads. It has been an eye opening week as far as that goes. After each experience, I walked away feeling more certain and happy to live and share the true gospel. I testify that our Heavenly Father loves us no matter what, and so long as we believe in him, he will answer our prayers and aid in all things. 
You may not see it happening, but somewhere, somehow he is preparing ways for you and helping you grow. 

That's all from Elder Henry this week. Stay tuned for more and also some less exciting weeklies😂
Love you lots!! 
      Elder Henry
Attached are a few pics from the last week, including the adventures of Woody. (Elder Henry and his roommates have been moving a Woody figure around the apartment like Elf on the Shelf)

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