Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Brian the flipper

I had a great week (as per usual) as a missionary. But one thing stuck out that I'd like to share with everyone. Elder Eich and another Elder were on exchanges last week and set up service with a guy named Brian who lives down the hill from us. On Wednesday, Elder Eich and I rode our bikes down the hill to help him out a little. He is a super interesting man! He lives here in Spokane during the week to do work and on the weekends he lives out on an island off the Washington coast.  Since he was 18 he has been buying, fixing then selling houses for a living. He had gotten so good at renovation that a collector of authentic medieval furniture got a hold of him and had him professionally house sit and do daily renovations or fixes. So Brian got paid to live on (and maintain) a 5 million dollar plot of land with a giant castle-mansion on it with at least 9 bathrooms. Anyway Brian was super awesome and open about how he was prompted to leave that job and move back to Spokane in March... Just before covid. Needless to say, he is spiritually in tune. We are going to be teaching him and doing more service for him which is exciting.

Always try to be open to what Heavenly Father wants of you (it's always going to be for the best, I promise)
        Until next week, Love you all very much!!
Elder Henry 

*included are pictures of Caleb's best buds from when he went to Spokane the first time, Elders Crowell and Caudillo, a couple current roommates, Elders Hansen and Morgan, his companion Elder Eich and Caleb, a street legal boat and some service work they've done.*

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