Monday, July 20, 2020

July 10th???

Many moons ago, in a land between where I am now and where I'm from, a 
journey began... So a year ago last Friday I left home, from my family, 
my friends, and everything I had become comfortable with. 
I bawled like a baby.Honestly it was kind of embarrassing. 
Ever wonder why there haven't been any 
pictures of me leaving at the airport??? Yup that's how bad it was. 
All I remember was not being able to see or breathe. 
I probably looked like an idiot. But since then I've been back home and 
back to the field (not nearly as many tears that time). 
And now a year has passed. A year ago I made the step towards the Savior 
and chose to be his servant for two years. 
The only thing I can express about 
that choice is that it has been the best one I've made in my life so far. 
The things I've learned, the people I've met and been able to grow close to, 
would have never been in my wildest dreams. I love what I do and wouldn't 
trade this experience for anything in the world. It all sounds very cliché, 
but this is a schpiel I've not heard before and now I am living it to share 
with you. If the thought to serve even crosses your mind, I can promise that 
countless blessings will come to you and those around you for such a small 
sacrifice. I love it! 
This week, we met with a woman named Beverly who has to take care of her 
husband because he has various medical complications. 
She was so excited to have a Book of Mormon delivered to her because she 
has had friends join the church and she has seen first hand the blessings 
that come with diligent action to the Lord. So far, she has read everyday 
for 5-15 minutes. She says she can't help but be overwhelmed by the 
spirit and she knows the love God has for her more than she ever has before. 
She is super awesome and an amazing example of what can be done by the 
power of our Heavenly Father. I've gone on for long enough but I love you all 
and will share more next week!

Lots of love, Elder Henry

*attached are some pictures from around Spokane

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