Thursday, September 24, 2020

 Hello everyone! This week has been so awesome. On Tuesday, we went to the stake center and met as a zone which was super fun. I got to see some friends that aren't around here. We got to watch Elder Herem play the violin accompanied by Sister Thompson on the piano. After the zone conference we got flu shots and took sweet pictures of the district showing off their shot band-aids. Unexpectedly, President Thompson came out and rolled up his sleeve for the picture too! Other than that we've just been getting ready for transfers which is always weird-just because you have no idea who's going where. It's exciting though. I found out this morning that I'm staying in the White Pines ward! (still in Post Falls) I'm also staying with Elder Ewell and we are getting a third companion, Elder Morris! We apparently might be moving but I have no idea if we are actually moving or not. They told us last transfer we were moving but we stayed here. Oh well, guess we'll see and tell more next week. 

          Love y'all!
                 Elder Henry

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Beer, TV and loud music

 This week has been... interesting. We went to visit a member of ours named Chuck and the first thing he does is say "sit down boys, I'll grab you a beer then we can turn on the TV and watch some stuff while you're here." Not knowing him, I got extremely concerned and looked at Edler Ewell with complete confusion. He seemed okay with the fact that a supposed member was grabbing his missionaries beer. Chuck came back from the kitchen with two root beers and turned on the TV to the Tabernacle Choir. Luckily, I broke no rules that day! (but I was really worried for a second ðŸ˜‚) Other than that crazy experience, this week has been pretty regular, oh yeah-except the wall of smoke that has covered the earth. Well it's just how crazy the world is nowadays. That's all folks! Love you lots, talk to you next week!

               Elder Henry. 

Monday, September 7, 2020

Week of Gifts

 Our district is so awesome! A big thing that we have been doing this week is gifting each other all kinds of stuff. From funny things like used pickleball paddles to a whole lunch restaurant experience. Service is a pure and joyful experience that can be easy and fun. As we strive to serve those around us, we will feel love for them but also feel the love Heavenly Father has for us. If there was ONE thing I wish could be consistent as a missionary as a daily thing it would be service, that is my most favorite part of being a missionary and I wish for everyone to be able to help those around them. The feelings of the spirit that we get when we serve those around us are always available and promised if we serve. I love you all and hope you have a good week, sorry my week was just bland.

Talk to you next week!
 Elder Henry

Friday, September 4, 2020

Pickleball pros

 August 31, 2020

Each of us 5 elders in the apartment play pickleball every morning for our exercise. We also each specialize in different things. We figured with our growing skill and our specialties we should come up with nicknames that reflect each of these. Elder Arndt is named "Power-House" for his exquisite spike. Elder Ewell is named "Low Blow" for his extremely flat hits which are hard to return. Elder Henry is named "The Controller" for his ability to place the ball just out of reach and just in bounds making it hard to judge. Elder Herem is named "Spin Master" for his spin hits that alter the trajectory of the ball after the bounce. Elder Schaumann is named "Singles Killer" if you play him one on one, you're donzo. These are all just for fun but it's awesome to see each of us specialize and grow in these ways. Similarly everyone has spiritual gifts that aid in our growth and understanding of our Heavenly Father and his plan for us. As we strive to grow these talents and aid others in theirs as well we can see the blessings that come hand in hand. With Elder Arndt's spikes and Elder Herem's spins they are near unstoppable. We can combine our spiritual gifts and help each other use them to win those spiritual or even physical fights with the adversary. Utilizing our scriptures and the teachings of Prophets are similar to getting new rackets or a sweatband. In a pickleball game those tools can aid in our success, likewise using scriptures can keep spiritual sweat out of our eyes. It can help clarify everything and allow for more growth than we thought possible. That's just a fun little analogy I thought could help someone this week.
Love you all, take care!
Elder Henry

Lots of Photography

 August 24, 2020

It's been a very good week this week. We have been all over the place but one thing I can tell you about Post Falls Idaho is that it's very much photographable. We will be just driving or walking and boom there's a gorgeous picture just waiting to be taken. There are fields of alfalfa with mountains in the background and a bright blue sky with some clouds. There's a crazy sunset that makes a sweet silhouette picture. 
Other than taking photos, we started playing pickleball and that has been our morning workout! It's actually crazy fun and we've met a lot of people who are extremely good at it. We met a spider (which I took a picture of) one morning while playing. 
There is also this awesome family (that are members) and are super sweet. They had us over for sacrament yesterday which turned out to be someone's birthday party and dinner so that was awesome, and we had some insanely good steak. That's my week in a nutshell, hope y'all stay safe and know that you're loved! 
Talk to you next week!   Love you all, Elder Henry