Tuesday, October 6, 2020

New Transfers 9/28/20

Every 6 weeks marks a new transfer and a new stress level. This last week was the start of transfer 5 of mine and I'm staying in Post Falls. We are welcoming some new missionaries to our area like Elder Morris and Elder Mercer and saying goodbye to some dear friends like Elder Herem, Elder Brown, Elder Arndt, and unfortunately Sister Nelson. (those are some of my BEST friends) the actual transfer day is crazy because all 270+ missionaries have to move around and drop people and all their stuff off and pick people and all their stuff up as well. We drove over to Coeur D'Alene to pick up some people at 4:00-one of them had car trouble and broke down on their way, so we didn't get him until way later. That was a little adventure in itself. Monday we had a last hurrah as a district and went and bought some really giant ice creams and walked along the lakeside. Then on Tuesday we had to have Tacos so we went down to a sweet taco truck and had a final meal together. That's about it from my end of it, hopefully everything settles down and I have better stories for you next week. Love you all and I'll see you in a little while!

       Elder Henry

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