Monday, February 15, 2021

Snow and also really cold

 Okay, how's everyone doing this beautiful day?!

I'm doing fantastic! Despite being in single digit temperatures basically all week. So the other morning it was 9 degrees outside with a windchill making it feel like -8! ❄️🥶

We are still out and about doing our thing! One cool and unique finding opportunity is out on the frozen lake! We have met a handful of people who were either ice fishing or were out skating on the lake! It's been super cool to see these unique interesting hobbies in action and be able to meet new people!

Spiritual thought for the day, we have a recent convert to the church here in this ward that is super awesome! She doesn't really care what other people think, only her relationship with God. So that's something I've been working on since meeting her, is being more like her in the sense that I'm going to forgo others opinions in order to get right with God at all Costs, and I'd invite each of you to think and pray and ponder on that same thought.

Love you all so much and hope you have a great week! We'll see you next time!
                         Elder Henry.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

A train, a mousetrap and a flaming basketball!

 Hello everyone! How're we doing today?! This week has gone by super fast. We have a couple nights out of the week that are designated for sports (we bring nonmembers and share messages afterwards) so Wednesday is basketball night and Saturday is soccer Night. Wednesday of this last week we didn't get out of basketball until 9:45-ish. (we need to be home by 10 but it's recommended by 9:30) so it gets to be 9:57 and we're on the road that goes home, then we realize a train is going by- extremely slowly and there's no other road that goes to our house so we had to wait and watch for like 10 mins while this slow train creeped by and prevented us from going home.

Elder Bowers found an unused mousetrap under the sink and then decided it'd be fun to see what it felt like so there's definitely videos of him putting his finger on a trap. 

The flaming basketball is as expected with 19, 20, and 21 year old guys who have a lighter and some aerosol. But it made for some sweet pictures!

Those are the exciting things from this last week, can't wait to update you with whatever this week brings😁

Love you all hope you have a blessed day and you let Christ into your life a little more today. 
                         Love you lots, 
                                      Elder Henry 

Monday, February 1, 2021

Back in Washington!

 Okay this week has been CRAZY! So transfers happened which means on Wednesday I made the trek all the way back to Washington. There were a bunch of complications (mainly me having too much junk to move) that made the process a little longer than normal.😁 After being crammed in the front seat holding a suitcase on my lap we eventually made it to Medical Lake.

I got to meet Elder Bowers-one of my new companions, and then we went and got Elder Crowl from his old apartment. For those of you who don't know, Elder Crowl is one of my best friends from down in Lewiston from 18 months ago. This week of the transfer so far has been a blast and a half.

We've met a handful of people from recent converts to people we're teaching and even ward members and I love all of them so much already!

Quick thought of the day: if you want to receive personal revelation you need to provide your mind with doctrine. The spirit will tell you the truths of all things, but he cannot draw from an empty well. So fill up those wells with spiritual knowledge!

Love you all and I'll talk to you next week!
                      Elder Henry.