Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Brian the flipper

I had a great week (as per usual) as a missionary. But one thing stuck out that I'd like to share with everyone. Elder Eich and another Elder were on exchanges last week and set up service with a guy named Brian who lives down the hill from us. On Wednesday, Elder Eich and I rode our bikes down the hill to help him out a little. He is a super interesting man! He lives here in Spokane during the week to do work and on the weekends he lives out on an island off the Washington coast.  Since he was 18 he has been buying, fixing then selling houses for a living. He had gotten so good at renovation that a collector of authentic medieval furniture got a hold of him and had him professionally house sit and do daily renovations or fixes. So Brian got paid to live on (and maintain) a 5 million dollar plot of land with a giant castle-mansion on it with at least 9 bathrooms. Anyway Brian was super awesome and open about how he was prompted to leave that job and move back to Spokane in March... Just before covid. Needless to say, he is spiritually in tune. We are going to be teaching him and doing more service for him which is exciting.

Always try to be open to what Heavenly Father wants of you (it's always going to be for the best, I promise)
        Until next week, Love you all very much!!
Elder Henry 

*included are pictures of Caleb's best buds from when he went to Spokane the first time, Elders Crowell and Caudillo, a couple current roommates, Elders Hansen and Morgan, his companion Elder Eich and Caleb, a street legal boat and some service work they've done.*

Monday, July 20, 2020

We found Fozzie!!!

You may have guessed it from the title. Some other Elders and I were out riding bikes on Friday. We were biking up a hill and were greeted by a dog who had no people with him. We got off our bikes and held him in place so that we could get a hold of the owner. Turns out the dog walker lets Fozzie off the leash to run around and have a little freedom- too bad it's always out in the forest or along a trail...... so Fozzie just runs away. Once we had him he got anxious and ran off again so we took chase after a dog that wasn't ours for another 3/4 of a mile uphill. We got him again and waited there for Pat the dog walker. Now we know where he lives, and are going to go by and try to teach this week! That was a pretty sweet highlight from this week.  We also did some sweet service Saturday where we moved a bunch of cut down trees into piles. It was crazy fun and we even got to sing happy birthday to the 93 year old neighbor!

That's all from Elder Henry this week!
Love you all lots talk to you next week! 

July 10th???

Many moons ago, in a land between where I am now and where I'm from, a 
journey began... So a year ago last Friday I left home, from my family, 
my friends, and everything I had become comfortable with. 
I bawled like a baby.Honestly it was kind of embarrassing. 
Ever wonder why there haven't been any 
pictures of me leaving at the airport??? Yup that's how bad it was. 
All I remember was not being able to see or breathe. 
I probably looked like an idiot. But since then I've been back home and 
back to the field (not nearly as many tears that time). 
And now a year has passed. A year ago I made the step towards the Savior 
and chose to be his servant for two years. 
The only thing I can express about 
that choice is that it has been the best one I've made in my life so far. 
The things I've learned, the people I've met and been able to grow close to, 
would have never been in my wildest dreams. I love what I do and wouldn't 
trade this experience for anything in the world. It all sounds very cliché, 
but this is a schpiel I've not heard before and now I am living it to share 
with you. If the thought to serve even crosses your mind, I can promise that 
countless blessings will come to you and those around you for such a small 
sacrifice. I love it! 
This week, we met with a woman named Beverly who has to take care of her 
husband because he has various medical complications. 
She was so excited to have a Book of Mormon delivered to her because she 
has had friends join the church and she has seen first hand the blessings 
that come with diligent action to the Lord. So far, she has read everyday 
for 5-15 minutes. She says she can't help but be overwhelmed by the 
spirit and she knows the love God has for her more than she ever has before. 
She is super awesome and an amazing example of what can be done by the 
power of our Heavenly Father. I've gone on for long enough but I love you all 
and will share more next week!

Lots of love, Elder Henry

*attached are some pictures from around Spokane

4th of July

My roommates and I were kind of frantic on Thursday when we had to switch rooms. The other companionship we live with is a trio and with my companion having the bigger room, we all thought it better to switch rooms. They aren't too different but it was still a little bit of a hassle. Then we got word on Friday that due to the 4th of July being a holiday many people probably will be busy with other things and may not want to meet with missionaries. So we got off work from 7-9. So our plan was to have dinner from 6-7 (which was a sneaky little way to extend it) we ordered a pizza (or three) from Papa John's. The Papa John's order was a frenzy because we called at about 12 and they put in the order which then had the delivery at 12:45 but we didn't want the pizzas until 6. When we told him that, the guy told us he had just entered the order but he'd get ahold of the store and try to change the delivery time. The store didn't answer and we felt bad so we said we would just take the pizzas now. He refused and called again which he then got an answer and transferred us to the lady at the store who told us she could change the time she would just have to start a new order. We felt bad and told her that we could just take it now but by then she had already canceled the order and started the new one. So we got the second order at 6 and all was good. We just hung out playing board games and watching fireworks in celebration of the freedom well fought for and rightfully established!

Love you all lots and I'll talk to you next week!
                                       Love Elder Henry!