Tuesday, August 18, 2020

First Transfer

 August 17, 2020

Only 5 months in and this is the first time I'll have to move. I get a whole new companion, a whole new group of elders, a whole new apartment, a whole new district and a whole new zone. And this is the first time my ward, the White Pines ward, has its own set of missionaries. (me and Elder Ewell) So far it's been a crazy week~ we have stopped by a lady named Giliene's home twice and given her a blessing once on Friday and once yesterday. This ward is super awesome! We have met with a bunch of families already and gotten to know them well. I wish there weren't so many because I can hardly remember any of the names! But I'm glad they're all here and so amazing. It's kinda funky comparing the members here to where I was before because there are two sets of Elders in the apartment and two meals get dropped off every night. Idaho is a little more generous when it comes to members feeding us~crossing my fingers that I don't get fat. Anyway I got to ride an electric skateboard this week so that was really fun. I love you all and hope your weeks get brighter and brighter and that you are all staying safe and healthy during these weird times. 
Talk to you next week, much love!
             Elder Henry 

Lots of service

 August 10, 2020

Lots of service this week. We totaled a whopping 7 hours with members and 1.5 with non members. Service work varied from shoveling recomposed cow manure from a truck bed to a yard, to riding our bikes for 45 mins to help load a moving truck. We even did some demo work on a house and helped take out some of the rock that covers the whole thing. I have to say serving is by far one of my favorite (probably most favorite) things to do as a missionary. It's just pure service to those around us to help brighten up the world. We got our transfer calls this morning which have me going to Post Falls, Idaho. I head over on Wednesday and will be there for the next 6 weeks (or more) which will be fun. Hopefully you all have had a good week I love you all and I'll keep in touch!
         Elder Henry

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Facebook as a way to find people?

 This week there was an emphasis on using Facebook as a tool to find new people. So my apartment was eager to use our video making skills to aid in the bringing of people to the page! So we went out into downtown with a boom mic (a taped broom handle with a foam football on the end of it). We asked people a couple simple questions about themselves and threw together a sweet video composed of what brings people joy in Spokane. Luckily we didn't get any of the tweakers who would've more than likely responded with "cocaine and hookers" or something along those lines. So far, we've been able to reach quite a few people which has been awesome! We also found out that someone has put our information on Craigslist advertised as free labor so that's fun! Also not sure the legality of it... But we've gotten more service opportunities out of it so that's a good thing! Hopefully you're all able to enjoy your time at home and with loved ones during these weird times. Remember you can always turn to the Lord in anything and he'll be there more than you could ever realize! Love you all talk to you soon!

                  Elder Henry