Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Service on service on service


Gee whiz! When you go around and teach about the Gospel of Christ, that's one thing, when you go around to be in the service of your fellow men, and you can actually make a difference in easing their burdens. You see a change in people and are able to truly help them. This week, I reached out through social media to anyone that is local and needs help with any chores, service, moving, painting, just about anything. We got a lot of responses. Just none within our boundaries of work. As missionaries, we are assigned to a specific area, and we do all of our work within those boundaries. From the 30+ responses for service that we received, none of them were within my area of service. So I sent out all the info from this past week to get all these people the help they need from people who are closer to them. Mosiah chapter 2 verse 17 from the Book of Mormon reads: "17 And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God." Service is a pure love and one that we could all do to bring up humanity. So I challenge you this week to do service. Do something for someone around you that will ease their burdens so that they will see the love you have for them. If we don't start coming together as people the world will get really lonely. Every little thing might mean the world to someone else, so don't think your efforts will be in vain. Show the love you have for the world and it will come back around.

Love you all, talk to you next week!
                           Elder Henry. 
*photos from an elk farm last week and new roommates*

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