Thursday, November 12, 2020

Snow again...Also stake conference!

 Every now and then we run into some people who don't like us for whatever reason. There are also those who have no idea who we are. Yesterday was sweet because we met a couple of each. 

It started snowing yesterday and didn't get very much but it's enough to be annoying. So we had stake conference this week which was awesome! The very first speaker was someone in our ward who was a less active member when I got to the area. Now he's doing awesome and has a son who wants to serve a mission. This week has been eye opening for me to realize the impact we can have on those around us. That doesn't mean you have to be a missionary or even a member of the church. You can change so many people's lives by being yourself and being there for people. Showing Christlike love is one of the most effective ways to help people. That's something I'm going to issue to all of you. I challenge you to show that love to all those around you this week. I can promise that you'll see more joy in the world especially in these funky times. I can also promise that you'll feel that love come back around 10 fold if you focus on turning it outward this week.

Love you all so much!
            Talk to you next week Love, 
                                     ELder Henry 

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