Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Another transfer.....what happened?

 Possibly one of the fastest transfers of my mission. Between teaching like crazy and resolving some mild conflicts, it seems like I blinked and missed the last six weeks. I'm staying here in beautiful Post Falls with Elder Morris and we're getting Elder Hansen! This week was funky since we had a zone conference, then weekly planning, then Halloween all back to back. For those of you who don't know, zone conference is when a big group of missionaries meet with the mission president and complete trainings. Weekly planning is when you sit down for 3 hours and plan everything for all the people you're teaching. Then on halloween, we stayed inside for an extra 3 hours to clean the apartment (DEEP clean). So it's just been weird days after weird days. I've been doing just fine and thriving out here. That's mostly what I have for this week. See y'all next week love you lots!

             Elder Henry. 

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