Thursday, October 29, 2020

Snow? Mullet? What's going on?


Starting off this week, I noticed my hair was getting a little long, just on the sides and back, so I figured I should get it cut. Only problem is that the back of my hair is an intentionally matched mullet with a best friend of mine. So I cut my hair into an actual full mullet for a couple hours and some sweet pictures. Fast forward to Friday and guess what it decides to do up here? SNOW on Oct 24th it just snowed from 11 am to 2 am the next morning. So now everything is slick, icy, and really really cold. Luckily I was somewhat prepared and haven't had the chills. On the first day of snow Elder Schaumann and I went out and had a snowball fight with a kid we're teaching and his twin brother. Our service last week included helping to butcher a pig. You just never know what you'll be asked to do.
Also shout out to Sis Nelly for freezing my hand. We started a language study (both of my companions speak French along with Sister Nelson) so they call once a week and practice while I sit there only knowing English. She called while we were walking and I had my exposed hand holding out the phone so she could see. Didn't think now would be the time to bust out the winter coat, show boots and an extra pair of pants but low and behold- that's been my outfit the last 4 days. I love you all and hope you have a great week! Talk to you soon.
Elder Henry. 

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