Monday, January 4, 2021

This week....Oh boy 12/21/20

 Hello there everyone! There has been some madness since my last weekly so buckle up.

So last Monday we found out I'm staying in Post Falls (whoop whoop) which officially makes me the most senior missionary to this zone this transfer.

Tuesday, a wonderful family in the ward threw me a surprise birthday party! We had cake and there were decorations, it was a blast!

Wednesday I said goodbye to ALL of my friends from this zone, shout out to Edler Morris, Sister Palmer, Elder Bott, Sister Bowden, Elder Neerings, Elder Giles, and Sister Ethington. Thanks for making this zone the best I love you all and miss you, the Zone isn't the same. But I also got to meet my new trainee on Wednesday which was super fun. He's a stud and a half. 

On Thursday, Elder McCoy and I went out knocking and I played a little trick on him. I knew where a member lived and I gave him the contact so that he was in charge. Thankfully Bro Estes played along without needing a heads up. Our big ex MMA fighting member who's bald, covered in tattoos and has a big ol beard opens the door and just went along with it. It was perfect!

Friday we had our ward Christmas party where we as missionaries served food, it was super fun! The young women's leader didn't let us leave without WAY TOO MUCH ham that was left over.

Saturday was pretty bland, we went on exchanges with some other Elders (switched companions for the day) and I got to learn a lot about Facebook work.

Yesterday was a sweet Sunday birthday with a Christmas church service as well as the insane news about my younger sister. So Saturday her and dad were out shooting and with a 9m in hand she went to check a target. She tripped and the gun went off and she shot herself in the leg. She's 100% okay, she's even walking. The bullet went straight through and missed bone and artery. So that was some interesting news to hear from my mission president in the middle of sacrament. I just about broke down before I heard all the details. 😂

Then today is my 9 month mark (pregnancy pictures are a thing for missionaries so I've gotta take those)😂
Today is also a mini p-day since we have Christmas on Friday off.

That's a little rundown of my week. Hopefully it was crazier than yours. I'll talk to you all soon love you lots! 
                            Elder Henry. 

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