Monday, January 4, 2021

Christmas, now New Year 12/28/20

 As a mission we have been challenged to read 9 pages of the Book of Mormon starting Nov 1, enabling us to read the entire book and finish when this year ends. Some things that I've read this week that are super cool is a lot of Christ ministering to the Nephites (3 Nephi starting in chapter 11, if you want to read it)

We were sharing this section with a part member family in the ward and the wife (not a member) was able to understand so many things after reading through that. It was so amazing to see how eye opening Christ's atonement can be.

If there's one thing that I've learned in a week of training a new missionary, it's that I overlook a lot of the things we as missionaries have the opportunity to know and understand. I also definitely take for granted all the growth I've made since my first transfer because Elder McCoy is so much farther than I was and there's still so much I feel like I can help him with.

I love you all and I just want to testify of the power the Book of Mormon has. I hate reading, and the Book of Mormon was no different just because I saw it as a chore. But since I've been sincerely reading each day I can say that it's changed my whole day from start to finish and things I've asked for help with have been answered. I say that and I profess my love for this book and this gospel!

Love you all talk to you soon!
                   Elder Henry. 

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