Thursday, March 4, 2021

Feb 22, 2021

 Miracles are alive and well! I know miracles seem like a fantastical thing that are ancient and no longer the norm. But what I've found is that the norm of SEEING miracles is what has changed. This week I lost my wallet. Which is an altoids can... You can imagine my fear and worry behind that. I thought for sure it'd be gone. However we said a prayer and asked for help to find it. After a mild freak out-too late for us to go outside anymore-we slept on it and started our search in the morning. The second place we looked- it was right there half buried in the snow. 

So with this email, I want all you readers to be on the lookout for those miracles this week. It doesn't have to be a sea parting. It doesn't have to be an entire population of people being freed from bondage. It can be as simple as finding something that was lost, repairing a relationship that was harmed, or even rebuilding faith in a concept you once lost hope in. This week, look out for those things, those miracles that can be found in our everyday lives. I love you all and pray that you may see them easier this week as you attempt to see God's hand in your lives.

                   Elder Henry

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