Thursday, April 8, 2021

A spirit filled week

 Hello everyone, this week has been a blessing. Last Monday I got to know a few missionaries in my zone a lot better than I previously had and it's been amazing to get closer and be able to learn from them!

Wednesday was my companions birthday and Elder Hull turned 20!
Thursday was April Fool's day and we had some sisters hide potatoes throughout our house and then steal some of our household decor. Don't worry we got them back... By leaving a bunch of Easter candy and cookies on their doorstep. 
Friday we drove two hours south to a place called Pullman, where we met with a bunch of other missionaries and had some super awesome training and lessons. Then we stopped at Chick-fil-A while we were done in Pullman and drove two hours back home!
Saturday we had the first two sessions of General Conference. I fasted to be more open and in tune with the spirit and boy did that help. I think it was the first time I didn't fall asleep while watching and I have notes on every single speaker (I'm not a note taker) so I am pretty impressed with myself.
Sunday were the concluding sessions and I felt the spirit even more so, then last night we were able to end the evening with a testimony meeting with the zone all gathered together. I can't express enough gratitude towards the missionaries I serve alongside from their faith and example to me. I love them all and am grateful for the spirit they were able to bring while we grew in our testimonies last night.

I know that God loves you, each of you, individually and unconditionally. I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior and that through him we can be made perfect. I know that through the teachings of The Book of Mormon anyone can gain a deeper understanding of The Lord Jesus Christ, and understand all that he's done for you as well. I love you all and I'll talk to you next week!
                      Elder Henry

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