Monday, April 12, 2021

Crazy week for reals...

 Well there were a lot of things that went down this week. We made a road trip out to the valley to get our car fixed and new tires. We broke a water line out at an old boy scout camp. We raided a couple elders' apartments while we were in the valley. We crawled under a house to restore water. My little brother turned 18! We had homemade wontons and turned some golf balls glow in the dark so we could hit them at night. I smashed a gallon of milk with a baseball bat, and one of my best friends went home early which was really sad. It kinda broke my heart. Then yesterday we went to church, we fed a deer, got some yogurt from a member- one tub a piece... Kinda cool. Oh and we went to a service project at a dome house where we built some walls and did some electrical work. Then we scared some sisters REALLY bad. Sorry about that one. So it was super great! Also some of the worst things to happen on the mission too, but I'm better off mentally and spiritually than last week.

That's about all from me, but I love you all and hope you have a great week! Spiritual thought is that the adversary is really tricky and he'll use good wholesome people that you love to get into your head and try to ruin you. So don't ever leave Jesus Christ, and don't leave the herd if you can avoid it, there is power in numbers! 
Love you all,
                  Elder Henry 

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