Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Week One in the Mission field

Greetings from the field!
Lately, it has been weird with all of the awkward p-days. I should have had four but only had three. I really was at the MTC for three weeks but I've also been in the field for only three days so it's just a weird schedule. But holy cow! The trip from the MTC was awesome and it was great to get out of the confinement of the "prison"and get some real food that doesn't destroy your stomach. The flight was awesome, I got upgraded to comfort plus on the flight and we landed smoothly and had a good day. I stayed at a members' house that night after having an amazing home-cooked meal and knocked on some doors that were miracles. We visited one lady who had been thinking earlier that day how she needed to get in contact with her missionaries again even though we weren't assigned to that area. My first companion (and trainer), Elder Samuel Caudillo, and I met and set up return appointments with 20 new people in the last 3 days! (Elder Caudillo is the #3 ranked boxer in the nation at the 123 weight class, it's great to have someone to exercise with.) We fire each other up and we go crazy! We have met all kinds of people and made a whole bunch of memories in three days- Like the millionaire who's having us over for enchiladas in his giant Japanese inspired house. We met a couple islanders from Hawaii and Saipan. We are going to play baseball with them at their college, bless their season and meet the whole team next week. We also get each other fired up to run everywhere and make sure we are efficient in everything we do. I have seen so many miracles and blessings and it has been amazing! I wish I could tell all my stories and explain everything but there is far too much in just three days. It has been a true blessing. Until next week!
                                    Lots of love!
                                              Elder Henry.

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