Monday, November 30, 2020

Nerf War on Turkey Day

 This week was awesome! We had a stressfully short p day (preparation day) on Monday, but Thursday was awesome!! We got to go over to a member's house for dinner and we got surprised with an hour long nerf war (immediately following stuffing ourselves with turkey and stuffing and mashed potatoes). It was such a blast! Saturday we went to a baptism of a 17 yr old in our ward and I was able to confirm him a member of the church yesterday! We've also been able to see some huge miracles from Facebook! As missionaries we are now utilizing technology more than ever and we use it to find new people to teach as well as teach them! We even added someone to our list of regulars because of Facebook this week!! Awesome stuff, I love you all and will be back with more next week!!

                          With much love,
                                       Elder Henry. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Well....I have 31 teeth Nov 23

 Hello everyone! Yes the title is true- no click bait here. Due to some previous medical history I had to have a tooth extracted last Tuesday. Not going to lie, it's cooler than I thought it would be. Kinda look like a pirate. Other than that this week has been awesome. We all got to hear from the Prophet of the world on Friday, if you haven't watched that video yet, I would highly suggest it! In following the video there is a current wave of gratitude on social media that is under the hashtag #givethanks. The message was all about how we can come together and heal the hard times the world has seen this year. I've been taking part in this challenge and I reissue it to all of you as well, whether you've been doing it or not!! I promise as you do so, as you show the world what it is that you're grateful for the Lord will bless you 10 fold. I love you all!

                          Talk to you later, 

                                Elder Henry. 

Lots of emergencies that got solved :) Nov 16

 Legendary week this last one was! So first of all, we got to ship my previous companion, Elder Hansen (using the term previous since we had him for a grand total of 6 days) out to his previous mission, which is Guam. So that's exciting! Okay here are the emergencies that came up and their solutions: Elder Morris and I had to go to dentist appointments in Coeur D'Alene- which was sweet and everything checked out. Then it flash-snowed and we shoveled a bunch of people's driveways anonymously. Then we took Elder Hansen to Spokane so that he could get on his flight early in the morning. Then some Elders were going to do a baptism on Saturday but they had to be quarantined for coming into contact with someone who was sick so I went down and baptized and confirmed a new member of the church! Then Sunday we had to run and change a flat tire. So all of these amazing opportunities sprung up on us this last week and we were able to answer the call and help those around us and even ourselves. Everything is about your attitude. If you have a positive outlook on all of these hardships or burdens then you see what good can come from them. If you see them as added challenges that make YOUR life harder, then you're giving in to the natural man. I've been so very grateful for these opportunities and that I was able to step up and heed the call to serve those around me.

That's all for my crazy week, more to come in the following week. 

                            Love you all, 

                                   Elder Henry

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Snow again...Also stake conference!

 Every now and then we run into some people who don't like us for whatever reason. There are also those who have no idea who we are. Yesterday was sweet because we met a couple of each. 

It started snowing yesterday and didn't get very much but it's enough to be annoying. So we had stake conference this week which was awesome! The very first speaker was someone in our ward who was a less active member when I got to the area. Now he's doing awesome and has a son who wants to serve a mission. This week has been eye opening for me to realize the impact we can have on those around us. That doesn't mean you have to be a missionary or even a member of the church. You can change so many people's lives by being yourself and being there for people. Showing Christlike love is one of the most effective ways to help people. That's something I'm going to issue to all of you. I challenge you to show that love to all those around you this week. I can promise that you'll see more joy in the world especially in these funky times. I can also promise that you'll feel that love come back around 10 fold if you focus on turning it outward this week.

Love you all so much!
            Talk to you next week Love, 
                                     ELder Henry 

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Another transfer.....what happened?

 Possibly one of the fastest transfers of my mission. Between teaching like crazy and resolving some mild conflicts, it seems like I blinked and missed the last six weeks. I'm staying here in beautiful Post Falls with Elder Morris and we're getting Elder Hansen! This week was funky since we had a zone conference, then weekly planning, then Halloween all back to back. For those of you who don't know, zone conference is when a big group of missionaries meet with the mission president and complete trainings. Weekly planning is when you sit down for 3 hours and plan everything for all the people you're teaching. Then on halloween, we stayed inside for an extra 3 hours to clean the apartment (DEEP clean). So it's just been weird days after weird days. I've been doing just fine and thriving out here. That's mostly what I have for this week. See y'all next week love you lots!

             Elder Henry.