Thursday, October 29, 2020

Snow? Mullet? What's going on?


Starting off this week, I noticed my hair was getting a little long, just on the sides and back, so I figured I should get it cut. Only problem is that the back of my hair is an intentionally matched mullet with a best friend of mine. So I cut my hair into an actual full mullet for a couple hours and some sweet pictures. Fast forward to Friday and guess what it decides to do up here? SNOW on Oct 24th it just snowed from 11 am to 2 am the next morning. So now everything is slick, icy, and really really cold. Luckily I was somewhat prepared and haven't had the chills. On the first day of snow Elder Schaumann and I went out and had a snowball fight with a kid we're teaching and his twin brother. Our service last week included helping to butcher a pig. You just never know what you'll be asked to do.
Also shout out to Sis Nelly for freezing my hand. We started a language study (both of my companions speak French along with Sister Nelson) so they call once a week and practice while I sit there only knowing English. She called while we were walking and I had my exposed hand holding out the phone so she could see. Didn't think now would be the time to bust out the winter coat, show boots and an extra pair of pants but low and behold- that's been my outfit the last 4 days. I love you all and hope you have a great week! Talk to you soon.
Elder Henry. 

My companion got bullied by a 14 year old girl


Over the last week some great things have happened. One of which was our lesson with our Bishop and his family. He has 5 kids so it's already loud and super fun because there is all of this interaction. The family starts talking about the Dodgers and how there's a game on but they're not watching. Elder Morris leans over to me and asks where the Dodgers play- city, state etc. Truth be told I don't follow baseball so I told him I didn't know. Bishop noticed and asked what the question was. Elder Morris explains the situation and then justifies it by saying "I just didn't know because I'm not a sports person". Tommy, the youngest kid, says "what does that make you then?" Sweet little Roni, the 14 year old daughter, pipes up and responds in the funniest way by saying "probably a nerd". I cannot explain to you how hard everyone laughed at that comment. So since then Elder Morris has been getting the worst of it, all in loving jokes of course, about being a nerd. Other than that wonderful experience, this week has been awesome. We are able to sing at church again and we had 2 people come to church who weren't members. Plus we had a less active family show up and start coming the last two weeks which is super exciting because we love them!
That's about all from me. I'll talk to you all later! Love ya! 
              Elder Henry. 

*pics of Caleb and his companions with a downed street sign, an antelope head 🤷‍♀️, whose tail is longer....  and on the railroad tracks*

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Service on service on service


Gee whiz! When you go around and teach about the Gospel of Christ, that's one thing, when you go around to be in the service of your fellow men, and you can actually make a difference in easing their burdens. You see a change in people and are able to truly help them. This week, I reached out through social media to anyone that is local and needs help with any chores, service, moving, painting, just about anything. We got a lot of responses. Just none within our boundaries of work. As missionaries, we are assigned to a specific area, and we do all of our work within those boundaries. From the 30+ responses for service that we received, none of them were within my area of service. So I sent out all the info from this past week to get all these people the help they need from people who are closer to them. Mosiah chapter 2 verse 17 from the Book of Mormon reads: "17 And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God." Service is a pure love and one that we could all do to bring up humanity. So I challenge you this week to do service. Do something for someone around you that will ease their burdens so that they will see the love you have for them. If we don't start coming together as people the world will get really lonely. Every little thing might mean the world to someone else, so don't think your efforts will be in vain. Show the love you have for the world and it will come back around.

Love you all, talk to you next week!
                           Elder Henry. 
*photos from an elk farm last week and new roommates*

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

General Conference! 10/5/20

This past weekend was my first General Conference as a missionary which is kinda weird. For those of you who don't know what General Conference is, in our church we have Prophets and Apostles just like Christ had when he established his church on earth. Every April and October we have the marvelous opportunity to listen to them (and other church leaders) give talks through insight and revelation for the whole world. Super exciting and just awesome in general. This week was really fun. We went on an exchange and I got to spend a day in Coeur d' Alene. We did a whole bunch of service like picking weeds, picking rocks and picking corn. Okay... we just picked a lot of stuff this week. Nonetheless we are having a blast over here. Other than that not much to say. 
Love y'all see you soon!
               Elder Henry. 


New Transfers 9/28/20

Every 6 weeks marks a new transfer and a new stress level. This last week was the start of transfer 5 of mine and I'm staying in Post Falls. We are welcoming some new missionaries to our area like Elder Morris and Elder Mercer and saying goodbye to some dear friends like Elder Herem, Elder Brown, Elder Arndt, and unfortunately Sister Nelson. (those are some of my BEST friends) the actual transfer day is crazy because all 270+ missionaries have to move around and drop people and all their stuff off and pick people and all their stuff up as well. We drove over to Coeur D'Alene to pick up some people at 4:00-one of them had car trouble and broke down on their way, so we didn't get him until way later. That was a little adventure in itself. Monday we had a last hurrah as a district and went and bought some really giant ice creams and walked along the lakeside. Then on Tuesday we had to have Tacos so we went down to a sweet taco truck and had a final meal together. That's about it from my end of it, hopefully everything settles down and I have better stories for you next week. Love you all and I'll see you in a little while!

       Elder Henry