Thursday, January 28, 2021

Transfer time once again!

 Hello everyone!

    This transfer is a little funky, I won't be in Idaho anymore but I'm going right back to the same zone I was in before. I covered downtown Spokane 6 months ago and now I'll be about 15 mins down the freeway from there. I'm sad to be leaving White Pines but they're all in good hands, also sad I'll be leaving Elder McCoy but he's growing up and he'll do great here. I'm super stoked because I'm going to be companions with Elder Crowl who I knew down in Lewiston in July of 2019! We get along really well and he's one of my favorites!

This week we made a new friend! He is actually genuinely interested and curious about the church so we got him started off with a fresh copy of the Book of Mormon and he's on his way now! We were able to answer a bunch of his questions and teach him the whole Restoration! (kinda sad I have to leave now, he seems like he'd be an awesome person to hang around with)

That's all from Post Falls, next week we'll be checking in from Four Lakes WA.
                      Love you all, 
                           Elder Henry. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Facebook actually works?

 How's it going everyone?!

    This week was a doozy- we had zone conference which was a blast. Some Elders in our district are looking like they've got the Covid. *cough cough Edler Morgan* I got to see Elder Eich which was super awesome. We laughed way too hard for way too long about the good ol days back in downtown Spokane.

Also a crazy miracle! So to all of you missionaries who don't think Facebook works, then you need to just keep on keeping on. We messaged this local guy here in Post Falls and ended up setting up a place to meet, he just wanted to meet new people like we do! After talking for a little while we were able to find out he wants to know more about his family history (like everyone does) so we chatted about that and are hooking him up with our family history consultant in the ward! If that's not picture perfect, I don't know what is!

Other than that, nothing too crazy happened this week, just a grind like usual. Hope everyone keeps making money moves out there and does all the stuff that makes you great! Love you all talk to you next week!
                                     Lots of love
                                                Elder Henry 

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Cat food and a trench coat

 So this week has been awesome! We've done a whole bunch of service including undoing some service from earlier in the week. Sister Christensen dared me to eat some canned cat food so I did. Almost threw up, don't suggest it. Went over to a friend's house to make a chess set and I ended up with a free trench coat because he knew I was looking to find one! Super cool of him, then we made more chess pieces-super excited to send pictures of when it's done. Love you all have a good week!

              Talk to you soon!
                                Elder Henry

Snow, slush, and then nothing....

 Hello everyone! This last week was a mess! It snowed and snowed and snowed some more. Then it rained and snowed more so we were looking at ice and slush for a while. We went out as a district and shoveled water and snow for one morning which was super fun! It even ended up in a slush fight where I was the main target for some reason! It rained more and everything melted and got cleared up. I've gotten some really cool revelation through the spirit while teaching some AWESOME members in our ward. This was in relation to the Book of Mormon and the influence it should have on our lives. All I can say is that it's a book every person should read. It teaches men to do good regardless of what your thoughts opinions or beliefs are this book will bring you closer to Christ and our Heavenly Father. I have some hefty goals for 2021 including learning a bunch of scriptures, reading a lot of scriptures and making this full year of missionary work the most productive it can be! I hope all of your holidays were amazing and that you were able to see some light in your lives. If you need a little extra just email me and I'll try to brighten up your day! This week has been one that I've loved every second of being a missionary and I'm excited to see what's in store for next week!

 Love you all and miss you all hope to see you sooner than later!
                              Elder Henry

*note from mom* You are all welcome to email Elder Henry directly at any time! His email is

Monday, January 4, 2021

Christmas, now New Year 12/28/20

 As a mission we have been challenged to read 9 pages of the Book of Mormon starting Nov 1, enabling us to read the entire book and finish when this year ends. Some things that I've read this week that are super cool is a lot of Christ ministering to the Nephites (3 Nephi starting in chapter 11, if you want to read it)

We were sharing this section with a part member family in the ward and the wife (not a member) was able to understand so many things after reading through that. It was so amazing to see how eye opening Christ's atonement can be.

If there's one thing that I've learned in a week of training a new missionary, it's that I overlook a lot of the things we as missionaries have the opportunity to know and understand. I also definitely take for granted all the growth I've made since my first transfer because Elder McCoy is so much farther than I was and there's still so much I feel like I can help him with.

I love you all and I just want to testify of the power the Book of Mormon has. I hate reading, and the Book of Mormon was no different just because I saw it as a chore. But since I've been sincerely reading each day I can say that it's changed my whole day from start to finish and things I've asked for help with have been answered. I say that and I profess my love for this book and this gospel!

Love you all talk to you soon!
                   Elder Henry. 

This week....Oh boy 12/21/20

 Hello there everyone! There has been some madness since my last weekly so buckle up.

So last Monday we found out I'm staying in Post Falls (whoop whoop) which officially makes me the most senior missionary to this zone this transfer.

Tuesday, a wonderful family in the ward threw me a surprise birthday party! We had cake and there were decorations, it was a blast!

Wednesday I said goodbye to ALL of my friends from this zone, shout out to Edler Morris, Sister Palmer, Elder Bott, Sister Bowden, Elder Neerings, Elder Giles, and Sister Ethington. Thanks for making this zone the best I love you all and miss you, the Zone isn't the same. But I also got to meet my new trainee on Wednesday which was super fun. He's a stud and a half. 

On Thursday, Elder McCoy and I went out knocking and I played a little trick on him. I knew where a member lived and I gave him the contact so that he was in charge. Thankfully Bro Estes played along without needing a heads up. Our big ex MMA fighting member who's bald, covered in tattoos and has a big ol beard opens the door and just went along with it. It was perfect!

Friday we had our ward Christmas party where we as missionaries served food, it was super fun! The young women's leader didn't let us leave without WAY TOO MUCH ham that was left over.

Saturday was pretty bland, we went on exchanges with some other Elders (switched companions for the day) and I got to learn a lot about Facebook work.

Yesterday was a sweet Sunday birthday with a Christmas church service as well as the insane news about my younger sister. So Saturday her and dad were out shooting and with a 9m in hand she went to check a target. She tripped and the gun went off and she shot herself in the leg. She's 100% okay, she's even walking. The bullet went straight through and missed bone and artery. So that was some interesting news to hear from my mission president in the middle of sacrament. I just about broke down before I heard all the details. ðŸ˜‚

Then today is my 9 month mark (pregnancy pictures are a thing for missionaries so I've gotta take those)😂
Today is also a mini p-day since we have Christmas on Friday off.

That's a little rundown of my week. Hopefully it was crazier than yours. I'll talk to you all soon love you lots! 
                            Elder Henry.