Tuesday, May 4, 2021

The Spirit of Revelation!

 Good morning everyone!!

      This week has definitely been an interesting one, but the coolest thing by far that happened was a little personal testament from the Spirit just for me. I'll share that story in a little bit. This week I saw a bunch of flowers and got a bunch of pictures of them so those will be attached! Last Monday, once p-day was over, we took our little Equinox up a mountain and got her caked in mud. But at the top I found a machete-took it home & cleaned it up! I also found a Star Wars chess set that wasn't complete but still super cool!

      Okay so that Spiritual moment.... I was listening to a talk, I don't know who it was or what the WHOLE talk was about, and something the speaker said set off a chain reaction that testified to ME about Christ's atonement and the validity of it. He said something about removing the weight of our burdens and putting them on Christ's back. In my mind I thought that wasn't fair, he already had the burdens of EVERYONE EVER- why put more on? Then I realized something. Throughout our lives we have hard times and good times. When we have low times our capacity to feel Joy increases because when you dig a hole you make a mountain with the dirt you move. Since Christ never made a mistake his mountain is infinite making his hole able to be filled with all the dirt from our trenches and never be filled, which confirms Him being the only one capable of performing the atonement. That was all connected in my mind by the Spirit and I thought I should share! Christ loves you and we can do all things through him. I know this to be true.

      I love you all and hope this helped some of you at least a little. Talk to you soon! 


             Elder Henry. 


Tuesday, April 27, 2021

I moved!

Hello everyone! So this is kinda fun and super weird but I now live in a small town called Tumtum... Yup Tumtum Washington. It's awesome! It's super booney which means big country houses with lots of land. We live in a guest house of some members that live in a lake house. Sooooo we are about 50 ft from a lake, it's gorgeous and kinda the coolest thing. I'm with Elder Hoyt who is from Missouri and he's a killer missionary, I'm excited for these next six weeks to get to know him and do some different kinds of missionary work.

This week we did a bunch of service. My favorite consisted of smacking cans of expired foods with a golf club to empty them so they could be recycled. It was really messy but really fun!

I've also met a lot of dogs this week which has been a blessing because dogs are the best thing ever. Breeds consisting of an Irish wolfhound, something else from turkey (a huge blonde breed that I don't remember), some saint Bernards, and American bulldogs.

I'm grateful for all that read these and I love you all very much. I hope you're all doing well, and if you're not, I hope that you recognize it and are honest with yourselves and get the help you need. I've been there before and didn't do anything about it which cost me more than if I'd just come forward. Don't go through your trials alone, that has never and will never be the intent of our Father in Heaven (in fact the exact opposite). We are here to face trials and grow individually, yes, but only the growth is individual. The trials are meant to be handled with those that you love and that love you so that the adversary has less of a chance to get a hold of you. Love you!

             Elder Henry. 


Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Goodbye West, Hello North!

 Hello everyone! This week has been a good one! Last Monday we hung out at a lake and went on a really cool hike! I got some sweet pictures of the sunset that night too! Elder Crowl held a bunch of animals including, but not limited to, a baby chicken and a salamander... Actually that might be the only two. I made a ladybug friend and we came into possession of a "road work ahead sign" which Elder Hull is turning into a cool art project. We went out to a different lake for lunch on Thursday and I made a fishing pole-didn't catch anything though. Then on Saturday we helped tear down an extension off of a trailer home. We took off all the walls and tore it up. The frame is still there and a roof still covers it so we'll be back. Also we have transfers this week and here's the rundown: Elder Crowl and I are both leaving. I'm going to the Northern part of Spokane to be with an Elder Hoyt. Elder Crowl is going to Colville and Elder Hull is staying here and getting new companions. 

Spiritual thought: we knocked on someone's door and taught them a short message. At one point he said something about sharks always moving forward to stay alive and I made a cool connection. Just like sharks have to continue to move forward and swim for their gills to work, and their body to function, our spirits have to be constantly growing and progressing otherwise they will die (metaphorically).

I love you all so much and I'll talk to you next week!

                            Elder Henry! 

Monday, April 12, 2021

Nail polish, horses and workin the corner! March 31st, 2021

 This week was a little crazy consisting of a lot of things that were super awesome!

So Tuesday is when everything started. We met some friends that own a couple of rescue horses. They were super cool to meet, later that night one of my companions wanted to practice his nail painting skills and I was the victim. Then I was dared to leave it on and here we are.

Thursday we went out and helped with getting a good ol boy scout camp ready to open again! Took a cool picture out there.

Friday we went back to the old boy scout camp but with all the missionaries in our zone so 19 of us in all. That was a blast because we just got a bunch of things done all at once.

Saturday we helped out some church members who were giving out free hot cocoa after a football game, we stood on the corner with a sign and pointed in the right direction!

All over the place and this one was kinda long, sorry about that.

Love you all hope you have a great week and remember how much God loves you!

          Elder Henry. 

Crazy week for reals...

 Well there were a lot of things that went down this week. We made a road trip out to the valley to get our car fixed and new tires. We broke a water line out at an old boy scout camp. We raided a couple elders' apartments while we were in the valley. We crawled under a house to restore water. My little brother turned 18! We had homemade wontons and turned some golf balls glow in the dark so we could hit them at night. I smashed a gallon of milk with a baseball bat, and one of my best friends went home early which was really sad. It kinda broke my heart. Then yesterday we went to church, we fed a deer, got some yogurt from a member- one tub a piece... Kinda cool. Oh and we went to a service project at a dome house where we built some walls and did some electrical work. Then we scared some sisters REALLY bad. Sorry about that one. So it was super great! Also some of the worst things to happen on the mission too, but I'm better off mentally and spiritually than last week.

That's about all from me, but I love you all and hope you have a great week! Spiritual thought is that the adversary is really tricky and he'll use good wholesome people that you love to get into your head and try to ruin you. So don't ever leave Jesus Christ, and don't leave the herd if you can avoid it, there is power in numbers! 
Love you all,
                  Elder Henry 

Thursday, April 8, 2021

A spirit filled week

 Hello everyone, this week has been a blessing. Last Monday I got to know a few missionaries in my zone a lot better than I previously had and it's been amazing to get closer and be able to learn from them!

Wednesday was my companions birthday and Elder Hull turned 20!
Thursday was April Fool's day and we had some sisters hide potatoes throughout our house and then steal some of our household decor. Don't worry we got them back... By leaving a bunch of Easter candy and cookies on their doorstep. 
Friday we drove two hours south to a place called Pullman, where we met with a bunch of other missionaries and had some super awesome training and lessons. Then we stopped at Chick-fil-A while we were done in Pullman and drove two hours back home!
Saturday we had the first two sessions of General Conference. I fasted to be more open and in tune with the spirit and boy did that help. I think it was the first time I didn't fall asleep while watching and I have notes on every single speaker (I'm not a note taker) so I am pretty impressed with myself.
Sunday were the concluding sessions and I felt the spirit even more so, then last night we were able to end the evening with a testimony meeting with the zone all gathered together. I can't express enough gratitude towards the missionaries I serve alongside from their faith and example to me. I love them all and am grateful for the spirit they were able to bring while we grew in our testimonies last night.

I know that God loves you, each of you, individually and unconditionally. I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior and that through him we can be made perfect. I know that through the teachings of The Book of Mormon anyone can gain a deeper understanding of The Lord Jesus Christ, and understand all that he's done for you as well. I love you all and I'll talk to you next week!
                      Elder Henry

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Free Stained Glass?

 How is everyone doing this week?!

My week has been a blast and a half! We switched some things up for an evening and I got to go downtown Spokane again. We were knocking on doors and met a lady who makes stained glass things... Like the coolest thing right?! Well I ended up walking out with a $200 piece of an angel in front of a moon! Super cool. We also went out and did a sweet service project! We were helping a woman's shelter clean up to utilize more of their building! We got the whole zone together to help out and it was awesome!
Love you all! Hope you have a great week!
                             Elder Henry. 

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

What a week

 Okay so this week we had transfers, where we move around as missionaries. Wednesday is when a majority of that took place. So we drove out about 20-25 mins to a church building where someone would come pick up Elder Bowers and take him down to Lewiston and we took Elder Hull back to our area.

While we were there we had to wait for some people, so we decided to go get some pictures by the river that's nearby. As luck would have it, I ended up falling in. Not the most fun thing ever. I was mad about it for a little while to be honest. So mad that I didn't talk for about 5 mins and on the way back to the church I turned and got in one of my best friends' ways while they were leaving the church... (Sorry Sister Palmer, I didn't mean to be a jerk)

So that was a fun Wednesday. Then up until yesterday we didn't have a SIM card. So our phones didn't work, and we couldn't use the internet unless we were at the church. So everything was a little bit crazy, it's all worked out and we're back on the grid! Also a random thing I did this week, I braided a mop. Idk why I did, or why I'm sharing :)

While my week was awesome, missions aren't easy. This week had some extremely low points. I haven't been homesick my whole mission, but this week for a couple days I just wanted to go home. I didn't know why I was out here, I didn't know if I wanted to be out here in the first place, I couldn't wrap my head around if I'm even doing any good... I don't say this for any pity or any attention. I'm saying this because while it may look all fun and easy and like all we do is get blessings since we're servants of the Lord, it's not always true.

Satan works as hard as he can no matter what to get people to feel hopeless, useless, lost or scared. All of those feelings are the opposite of Godly. I came a little closer to my Savior this week. I came to know that He and Heavenly Father watch over and look out for me and my family. He loves me, and He loves each and every one of you too. I want you to look at a scripture for me. It's in the Book of Mormon, if you don't have one you can find this passage online. (*mom attached it at the bottom of this email) It's Alma chapter 26 verses 10 through 12. This scripture helped me realize that I don't need to try to do everything myself. In fact that I need to rely on the Savior to succeed. I understood and started that more this week.

I know YOU are loved. If you feel it or not, you are loved. I know that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior and that He felt the anguish of the deepest pits in life, so that we can come out of them. I LOVE ALL OF YOU, and I hope you take that and share that love.

Sorry this one was longer but I felt like it needed to be. I'll talk to you all next week! 


                Elder Henry


"10 And it came to pass that when Ammon had said these words, his brother Aaron rebuked him, saying: Ammon, I fear that thy joy doth carry thee away unto boasting.

11 But Ammon said unto him: I do not aboast in my own strength, nor in my own wisdom; but behold, my bjoy is full, yea, my heart is brim with cjoy, and I will rejoice in my God.

12 Yea, I know that I am anothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will bnot boast of myself, but I will cboast of my God, for in his dstrength I can do all ethings; yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever."

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

New companion same area

 Hello everyone! So transfers snuck up on us again. Elder Bowers is going to take a trip down to Lewiston and be with my trainee Elder McCoy! As for me and Elder Crowl we are going to hangout in Silverlake together for another 6 weeks and be joined by Elder Hull! This week, other than that, has been super awesome! We fasted as a mission and have been seeing a bunch of miracles. But one of the biggest was the carne asada burritos we got to eat to break our fast. I don't think anything has ever tasted that good.

            Not a whole lot this time, but we should have some good stuff for next week so stay tuned!
                    Love you all!
                            - Elder Henry 

Thursday, March 4, 2021

March 1 Battle Scars

 This week was awesome! Unfortunately it came with some damage to my body😂

On Monday I ran into a wall with my head. I was wearing a hat and there's a pin on said hat. The pin ran into my head and cut my scalp open. Bled a lot since it's a head wound. Then on Friday we were grappling as young men do. I got a cut under my eye and a scratch on my heel, as well as a rug burn on my wrist. Fun stuff. Then on Saturday we were at the park and I got spun around on the swing and at some point the chain of the swing pinched my arm and I knew it hurt a little. Once I got home and changed into my sleep attire I noticed a sizable gash on my forearm from where the chain pinched me. 

Despite all of it I'm okay and the work I've been able to do has been unaffected. 

Just like that I can share my testimony that The Lord will continue his will without interruption. As we strive to be workers for God and tools in his hand, we may get dinged up but we will still get the job done.

I love you all, talk to you later!

                Elder Henry


Feb 22, 2021

 Miracles are alive and well! I know miracles seem like a fantastical thing that are ancient and no longer the norm. But what I've found is that the norm of SEEING miracles is what has changed. This week I lost my wallet. Which is an altoids can... You can imagine my fear and worry behind that. I thought for sure it'd be gone. However we said a prayer and asked for help to find it. After a mild freak out-too late for us to go outside anymore-we slept on it and started our search in the morning. The second place we looked- it was right there half buried in the snow. 

So with this email, I want all you readers to be on the lookout for those miracles this week. It doesn't have to be a sea parting. It doesn't have to be an entire population of people being freed from bondage. It can be as simple as finding something that was lost, repairing a relationship that was harmed, or even rebuilding faith in a concept you once lost hope in. This week, look out for those things, those miracles that can be found in our everyday lives. I love you all and pray that you may see them easier this week as you attempt to see God's hand in your lives.

                   Elder Henry


Monday, February 15, 2021

Snow and also really cold

 Okay, how's everyone doing this beautiful day?!

I'm doing fantastic! Despite being in single digit temperatures basically all week. So the other morning it was 9 degrees outside with a windchill making it feel like -8! ❄️🥶

We are still out and about doing our thing! One cool and unique finding opportunity is out on the frozen lake! We have met a handful of people who were either ice fishing or were out skating on the lake! It's been super cool to see these unique interesting hobbies in action and be able to meet new people!

Spiritual thought for the day, we have a recent convert to the church here in this ward that is super awesome! She doesn't really care what other people think, only her relationship with God. So that's something I've been working on since meeting her, is being more like her in the sense that I'm going to forgo others opinions in order to get right with God at all Costs, and I'd invite each of you to think and pray and ponder on that same thought.

Love you all so much and hope you have a great week! We'll see you next time!
                         Elder Henry. 